Coronavirus COVID-19
What is HCRFF Doing?
Creating a household plan can help protect your health and the health of those you care about in the event of an outbreak of COVID-19 in your community.
If you have flu-like symptoms – like a fever or cough – or have been around a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, please call Haiti Cholera Research Funding Foundation Inc USA™ to speak with one of our representative. Our main priority is helping you to keep your medical appointment by visiting our website to download the transportation form and fax it to us as your early convenient.
Also if you have flu-like symptoms or experience fever of cough more than 5 days or have been around a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Please contact your primary physician or go to the near hospital.
COVID-19 Plan
• Free Medical Transportation (Uber or Lyft)
• Hygiene Kits
• Maternal Supplies (please visit our website to complete the form)
- How COVID-19 spreads (CDC)
- What are the symptoms of COVID-19? (CDC)
- What to do if you are sick with coronavirus, or caring for someone with the disease (CDC)
- How to prevent COVID-19 (CDC)
- Should I wear a face mask? (JAMA Patient Page)
- Is it coronavirus or the flu? (Johns Hopkins Medicine)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention FAQs
- World Health Organization FAQs
- Coronavirus questions and answers (Harvard Medical School)
- Guidance for schools, workplaces, colleges, health care settings and households (CDC)
- Guidance for nonprofit organizations, community organizations, and faith-based groups (CDC)
- Schools and coronavirus: What you need to know (National Education Association)
- Speaking to kids about coronavirus (Save the Children)
- Coronavirus disease-2019 and children (CDC)
- Reducing the spread of illness in child care (American Academy of Pediatrics)
- Guidance for businesses and employers (CDC)
- Why coronaviruses hit older adults hardest (AARP)
- 8 questions employers should ask about coronavirus (Harvard Business Review)
- CDC travel information
- What you need to know about coronavirus disease 2019 (CDC)
- What the public should do (CDC)
- COVID-19 YouTube videos (CDC)
- Hand-washing videos (CDC)
- Videos: COVID-19 advice for the public (WHO)
- Social media postcards on novel coronavirus (PAHO)
The Power of Hand-Washing to Prevent Coronavirus
Maternal & Child Health
PMNCH compendium of COVID-19 related partner resources on women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health
COVID-19 Homeless
Interim guidance for homeless service providers to plan and respond to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
COVID-19 Enivornment
UNEP Statement on COVID-19
COVID-19 People with Disability
Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak
COVID-19: Mental health in the age of Coronavirus
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO)
Summer BreakSpot
Governor’s Faith and Community Based Initiative
COVID-19 Florida Department of Health
Support UN-Habitat’s COVID-19 Response Plan
COVID-19: Who is protecting the people with disabilities? UN Rights Expert
Interim guidance for homeless service providers to plan and respond to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and People with HIV
Interim Guidance for COVID-19 and Persons with HIV
Innovative strategies for HIV screening during COVID-19 webinar recording